Thursday, October 08, 2009

Theological Thoughts for Thursday

"When people gather together to hate, they will find hate. When people gather together to love, they will find God."

I work in a kindergarten in the mornings. 4 classes, 30 kids, 4 teachers, 1 book per month. I read one book per month. We just read the same book every day for a whole month. I can't believe it, really - so I'll say it again. My job is to read the same book, day after day, to the same group of kids - for a whole month.

And the kids love it. They can't get enough of book.

They asked me to parse down some Bible verses for the kids to memorize. I first looked for short Bible verses. There really aren't that many, at least there are few verses that are memorable, short, and meaty. So I whittled down the 10 commandments into bite size, English language, nuggets of "don'ts" at their request. Don't lie, Don't steal, No idols - that sort of thing.

And now we say those things over and over. We condensed them down to something they might possible understand and we say it over and over again. Maybe the church in America just needs it broken down for them. Maybe we just need to say it over and over until it's part of our hearts, until it becomes who we are.

"When people gather together to hate, they will find hate. When people gather together to love, they will find God."

1 comment:

Penguin said...

Wow!! Short,sweet and get God's message is the way to go!