Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm really frustrated about a lot of things right now. I feel very isolated even though I'm surrounded by people.

We went to a lake today and one of the older men was like "Isn't this better than America?" Now, I try not to be too egocentric ... but no beach in Russia cold ever compare with an American one ... they simply haven't caught on to the idea that litter is bad. And this was just a little hole in the river. I get really frustrated that everyone wants me to make value calls comparing countries. I'm not some crazy flag waving Amercn, but I love the things I grew up with and the comforts I'm used to. I wish people would stop asking me which is better. I don't want to lie.

I'm also really frustrated by my lack of ability in learning a foreign language. I know it's hard for everyone, but I'm so exhausted day in and day out ... and I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything.

I also hate it when people try and accomadate my tastes with food. When I was sick I let it out of the bag that I hate fish. Now when everyone else eats fish I get half a hunk of pork flesh. Yum.

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