Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Before and After

I'm procrastinating at the moment. I have a paper I don't want to write, that I'm avoiding like the plague.

I procrastinate when I'm unhappy. Specifically when I'm encountering an obstacle and it's part of something that I thought would make me happy.

I thought living off campus would make me happy (and, honestly those 3 years were amazing) but every time I had to wash the dishes, do laundry, or the mow the grass (I hate all repetitive non-rewarded tasks) I would procrastinate something fierce.

I would spray lemon scented kitchen/bathroom cleaner on my dishes so they could go another day without stinking up the house!

I would buy an extra shirt to make laundry days one day further apart!

At one point I almost broke my mower because I had to use it like a weedwacker instead of a mower!

Embarrassing, but all too true!

I can't make decisions based on my happiness quotient. I can't make decisions based on my happiness quotient. I can't make decisions based on my happiness quotient.

I need to be happy and then make my decisions. I need to be happy in the knowledge that I'm following God and move from there.

My sophomore year I weighed 316 pounds. I was really depressed about a number of things and I had been sick for a while. I decided that I was going to love myself no matter how fat I got and that I was going to be a happy person. I've lost 45 pounds since then. I'm down to 271. I'm going to buy a pair of jeans on Thursday ... a size 38 ... a size I outgrew in High School.


This is from a play we did (I cropped out the other people because they would be embarrassed by this picture as well, but I think even without a comparison I still look huge)


Me and a pastor friend in the Philippines.

The funny thing is, I'm still happy. I didn't have to lose weight in order to be happy ... I had to be happy in order to lose the weight.

Maybe I need to be happy about writing this paper!

1 comment:

Penguin said...

Being in the spirit of agape(true love) about everything is hard. Especially when the world see it on the outside.God's see it on the inside. And if he is happy I'm happy on the outside. Good job on the your weight issues.