Monday, November 23, 2009

Although I tend to discuss politics in a rather abstract way on my blog - and I tend to stay away from particulars - there is one particular issue that I would like to address.

Omar Khadr was 15 when he was captured and imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. He has been there for 6 and a half years without a trial. That's over a quarter of his life.

Holding a child in prison without a trial (and a guilty verdict by an impartial jury!) is a social injustice. It reflects poorly on all Americans - that we would allow our fears and prejudice to overcome our common sense paints a sad picture of our humanity.

1 comment:

Penguin said...

I agree that there should have been a trail done by now.Holding these people off American soil so you can not have a trial is ridiculous and shameful to us as Americans. We are suppose to be a country of freedom and we should more integrity than that.