Friday, July 14, 2006

I had a camper this week who based his entire view of life on what others thought of him. He was a middle schooler in other words. There were obviously some deep seated fears in his life, and a horrible picture of what being a man is.

I realize that the difference between me and him is that I realize my identity is in Christ. He feels his identity is entirely wrapped up in how he acts and what other people think about him.

I'm sorry I'm not writing long blogs. I'm so much more ADH... Oh look, a butterfly ... D now that I have been with campers for 6 weeks.

I wish I could convey to campers that Christ is how they should define themselves. My camper would always lie about how much he can bench - how sad.

1 comment:

Pastor Bill said...

Heh - welcome to ADHD...

Don't we all, at some point, derive some of our identity from what other people think? I mean, not the CORE, but SOME?

Well, I know I do. I don't LIKE that I do...but I do.

Sounds a little like Paul, I know what is right but I do what is wrong...sigh...

Gotta get some sleep...