"Don't throw your life away on the American dream of retirement. Live dangerously for the One who loved you and died for you in his thirties." - John Piper
I don't find many parallels between the theology of John Piper and the theology of Michael Airgood. But this is one, I wholeheartedly agree that Christians must stop falling for the lie of the American dream.
I keep a box filled with pictures of friends and family, mementos of good times, quotes about the missionary life, and a prayer from the onetruth.com site. The prayer is:
"Well, God, if I live a few years on this earth and have to give up 'comfort' it's ok. And if I cant' get to always feel like I'm in charge or even that I know what I'm doing, I'm ok. And if I get persecuted for being who you call me to be, and people get downright nasty, it's ok. And if I never get to live out the "American Dream" and have an impeccable wife, and impeccable house, an impeccable minivan, and impeccable kids, I'm ok. And if I sped my whole life in weird shadows in unglamorous places and never really get recognized, it's ok. If I don't do the traditional 'ministry' and fit into a typical position, it's ok.
But God, please be with me..."
This prayer holds so much truth for my life. I know that God might not call me to a life of comfort and privilege.
I live my life in the glorious truth that God might call me to the gutters of the world and that I would go in a heartbeat. That the next apartment God has planned for me might not have a stove or a private bathroom.
That I may never have a retirement home on the lake. That God is in control.
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