Thursday, October 15, 2009

Theological Thoughts for Thursday

You should watch this video from Newsweek. There will probably be an advertisement somewhere in it.

This clip might be the best thing I've seen in the last month.

I wanted to share this with everyone. How cute are they?

I think it's an interesting how we typecast people.

No one had to audition ... if you're a little person you belong in this movie! You must be this short!

We typecast people instantly. He doesn't belong in the church. She shouldn't be teaching Sunday School. He deserves to spend Sunday morning at the bar.

We typecast when we think about sharing our faith. Oh, I don't think he would be interested. She would probably get angry if I tried to tell her about my faith.

We typecast who should be leaders in our chuch. He's too young, maybe he can be a leader in the youth group ... but not in big church. Just look at her whorish past; she's not going to teach MY children in Sunday School.

Maybe we should typecast like they did for this movie ... if you're a person you belong here! You must be this human!

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