Sunday, August 12, 2007

“Let what we do in here fill the streets out there.”

What is it, exactly, that we’re doing in here? We’re singing songs, listening to a man lecture, and giving money to perpetuate “here.” What is it that we’re doing in here, again?

I’m perplexed and confused is essentially what it comes down to. I have been a follower of Christ for a full decade. I have been a believer for slightly longer than I was a heathen. I gave my life to Jesus ten years ago, and still, I don’t know what being a Christian should look like. I have found few imitable people within the church.

I hearken back to the fruit of the spirit for an imitable Christian lifestyle. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Save my own mother and possibly Dr. Smith, I can’t think of any Christian who fits the bill. I view the beatitudes as an indicator of the Christian life. Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the meek and mild, blessed are the merciful, those who hunger after justice for righteousness sake, those who are persecuted. It’s all well and good – I adore those scriptures. But I don’t see it. I don’t see it in the church and I don’t know how to see it in my life. How do I become more meek? Anyone?

I’m constantly berated by the not-so-subtle messages of the church. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t cuss, and don’t leave home without your WWJD bracelet. I joke a good bit about the WWJD bracelet craze; and I apologize to the people who have been helped by that phrase. I haven’t. I’m not opposed to morality – I just don’t think it’s what being a Christian is all about. I believe that Jesus came to abolish the rules system mentality. I believe that Christians can drink, smoke, cuss, and wear any bracelet they choose.

And, then, I’m stuck back where I began. If we aren’t fighting against the evils of immorality, how will the world know that we are Christians. “And they’ll know we are Christians by our T-shirts, by our T-shirts.” Will people know that I’m a believer if I love extravagantly but also cuss? Will they know I’m a Christian by my love … even if I consume alcohol?

I believe that we as the church have set ourselves up for failure. We (the church) have created an impossible morality system that can only lead to mess ups, mistakes, and the forced shooting of our wounded. If we reduce the Gospel to “don’t mess up” the inevitable end will be that we do, in fact, mess up. When this happens we have nowhere to run.

“…but to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 – What does the Lord require of you? We don’t cuss but we also don’t give a fuck about the poor. In the grand scheme of things – which do you think brings more displeasure to the Lord? When one of his children says the S-word or when his people fail to care for the hurting?

Morality rules suit us better. We can make up our own morality. We can live in McMansions and ignore the poor while demeaning people for sexually errant lifestyles and call it Biblical. Justice isn’t our “thang” as the kids say. If we really cared we would act justly and work to improve the education system – we would show mercy and get kids to stop saying words like “thang.”

What would it look like if we followed the advice of Micah 6:8? Let’s walk humbly with God. Let’s stop trying to show the world how righteous we are and let’s start being real with people. Let’s act justly. Let’s love mercy. It’s a novel idea. And yes, you can still wear your WWJD bracelet.

Don't think that this post is finished. I'm still confused. I'm still in need of answers. I am, as of now, still unsatisfied.


Pastor Bill said...

"Let what we do in here fill the streets out there."

Heh - um...sleep? Look bored? Um...pretend to listen when someone else is talking? Look down on the bimbo three rows ahead of us? Um...don't we already?

Oh - worship. Oh, yeah. Okay - everybody at Starbucks join hands. "Kum by yah, my Lord, kum by yah..."

Yeah, that'll work.

What? You mean mission? But what we "do in here" is give ourselves to God - yeah, that's called worship. Complete abandon to God (raising hands optional). How do we "fill the streets" with that?

Hmmm... Now I'm perplexed...

Meredith said...

I feel the same a lot too. In fact, this past week, I was overwhelmed by the demanding command of "Sell your possessions, and give to the poor."

I feel like saying, Really? Surely not...