Monday, August 27, 2007

Toccoa First United Methodist begins the Natural Church Development process. The goals have been inadequately explained, the procedure barely mentioned, and the people are confused. We did poorest in the field of Passionate Spirituality.

Garrett is five. He colored with his grandmother in the back of the room while his grandfather taught my classes’ lesson. Mack spoke on social justice, forgiving ourselves for our past, and the promised hope of salvation realized through Jesus Christ. Mack was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago, will undergo surgery in a few more weeks, and has actively thought about his past. He has realized his mistakes. He has realized his success.

Garrett watched his grandfather tell friends about the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Garrett watched his grandfather shed tears while speaking passionately about the forgiveness he has received from Christ. Garrett, and the rest of my class, saw passionate spirituality in action.

Mack has found that all of the money he earned in this life isn’t worth a second of heaven. But, it goes beyond that. Mack isn’t a Christian to get to heaven; it’s not about the fire insurance. Mack is a Christian because he chose to follow Christ. Mack knows there is a chance he could die in the not too distant future; and yet he doesn’t focus on the promised rewards of heaven. He chooses to focus on the commands and teachings of Jesus. Heaven will be nice, but it isn’t the point of salvation.

Passionate Spirituality. Being in love with the savior? Having daily QT? Allowing your grandson to see your broken heart through your tears? Talking about your mission trip? How do we express the love of the savior in our daily lives?

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