Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christ has come for this

Those were the lyrics the high school boy might have heard as he passed the group of adults singing christmas carols. "Christ has come for this."

He might have heard them. The singers were engaged in a power play of musical tempo, making the understanding of lyrics difficult. If he did hear them, he might have understood them. He might have understood them. We were all scowling because of the cold, and if our message was one of joy I think we missed our mark.

Truly, Christ has come for this. For this boy - for his heart to be turned toward God. Not for petty squabbles to be carried out in His name, not for families to fake and feign holiday joy, not for songs to be sung to graying streets filled with slush; but for people.

That God would come to earth as a baby speaks volumes about His heart. That we can't even get through a four verse carol without needing things done our way says a lot about our hearts.

But, alas, Christ has come for this. For us - for our hearts to be turned toward His.

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