Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm enjoying my fall break. Jake Raynor and I drove down to Florida for the weekend. On Friday night we stopped in Macon to have dinner with my friend Brittany. We ended up spending a few hours there and watched the movie "Stardust." Interesting movie.

Jake dropped me off at my grandparent's house and then drove himself to his home in Orlando.

On Saturday the G-units and I went mall walking, sang hymns for several hours, did a crossword puzzle, and went to Golden Corral. Ah, retirement. I also took a two hour nap and organized grandma's coupons for her.

On Sunday we woke early and listened to Jerry Fallwell, Charles Stanley and then went to church and heard why Obama is the anti-Christ. Then we went out for lunch, sang hymns, did a crossword puzzle, and watched the ball game.

Jake picked me up and I'm at his house now. We are going to Universal in a little bit ... which couldn't hope to compare to the pure joy of doing crossword puzzles as a family sport. Haha.

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