Sunday, December 28, 2008

I had somewhat of a reunion. I went out to a party and most of my graduating class was there. It was good to see old friends, and people who weren't friends then but could be now. It was good to hear where people are, what they are doing these days, and where they are heading next.

Most of my friends are at about the same place; graduating soon, no clear plans for the future, and a little nervous! It's a good place to be in life. It's fun because you know that no one will let you fall too low at this point! Even if I don't get my dream job, someone will find me something at a factory somewhere to tide me over for a season!

I'm in the application process with the General Board of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Mission Agency. I've had a phone interview with my conference committee on mission personel. They recomended me to the GBGM, which is the first big hurdle. The GBGM website says that they keep ACTIVE files open for 3 years! Yikes! I can't imagine waiting for 3 years to hear from them. Then, after I get selected for an assignment I have to pass all of the medical/psychological exams!

I've applied for a job at a church camp for the summer, and I'm looking into a few more ministry type jobs to hold me over during the application process. So, that's where I'm at.

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