Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm a stubborn person. I inherited my stubbornness from both sides of the family.

My mother's parents are so stubborn that when grandpa wanted to drive up to Pennsylvania and grandma didn't want to make the trip grandpa drove himself up to Pennsylvania and left grandma alone on her 79th birthday ... less than a year after having a massive aneurysm.

My dad's side of the family is infamous for its stubborn streak. I would choose not to share most stories because, frankly, they are embarrassing. Stubbornness isn't always so cute.

I find that nothing brings out stubbornness more than being surrounded by other stubborn people. I've been home for a little more than a week, and already my stubborn spirit is getting out of hand. I don't think I could last much longer here. I kind of wonder how I survived here so long. How I thrived in this environment.

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