Thursday, November 18, 2010

I think the thing that scares me most is that "Christian" and "American" have become synonyms.

If you look at the economic policies of Jesus and the lives of most Americans you will quickly find the disconnect.

In small group we are studying the passage of the rich young ruler. The story is familiar and easily brushed aside. "Jesus doesn't really mean that we have to go and sell all of our possessions and give to the poor." We rationalize these verses away. We ignore this teaching because it is too much. It is overwhelming.

I believe that perhaps we should take theses verses more literally than we do. Or, at least we should stop pretending that we take the Bible at face value if we want to ignore these passages.

You can't claim to take the Bible literally and then dump these verses into the gutter.

Your retirement account is the forbidden fruit.

When we decide that these verses can't really be true - we make the decision that the plan God has for us (and our finances) is insufficient and that we can do better.

Your lake house is sin.

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