Monday, December 13, 2010

I haven't really thought about writing in a long time. There are many things that I wish I could write. Commonly, I simply need to start writing and see what comes out. Generally, I need to let something rest for a few weeks and then try to re-write it. Generically, I'm not impressed with anything I've written thus far.

I have written a select few short stories. They smack of the love child of Steven King and Truman Capote. I wouldn't let you read them, let alone consider trying to get them published.

I have a great deal of respect for Stephen King. His stories are stunning works - they are technically well written; but more than that - they practically dance. You can't put the books down. I also respect that his children have done their own thing. He has a son who happens to be a writer. He writes under a pseudonym because he doesn't want to sell books based on his father's popularity. He has a daughter who is an Episcopalian priest and wins awards for her stunning sermons.

Part of my problem is the nagging feeling that my generation is overexposed and that I'm simply another kid with a blog. Writers should be above the blogosphere - they should eschew modern technology and check typewriters while traveling like David Sedaris is want to do. They should at least know grammar. A writer creates new uses for punctuation as a means of artistic expression - not because he simply doesn't know how to use it ~ like really; I have no: clue.

Or perhaps I'm not tortured enough. I'm not even as tortured as those who must read my clunky paragraph transitions. I live a happy life. I'm not an alcoholic. I'm busy but not stressed. I laugh often and loudly.

So maybe I'll start to think about writing a little more often. I could work on some more short stories or at least a few magazine articles.

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