Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I have been watching a lot of informercials lately. They are on TV all the time during the summer, and I enjoy watching mind numbing entertainment. It's great fun to watch the overly-excited host proudly proclaiming the most spectacular claims.

I'm amazed at how well every product works. But, while watching the wonders of television camera tricks I realize that none of the products work nearly as well as they claim. If they did, everyone's home would be spotless, all abs would be in packs of six or more, and meal preparation would never take more than 15 minutes and one gadget. We know that infomercials are fake. We hear the hurried prodding "and if you order in the next 30 seconds..." and we know that something about the message is off. If we pay attention we understand that the company knows if we spend more than 10 minutes thinking about our decision we will come to our senses.

Sometimes at church, particularly at youth gathering, I get the same vibe. I hear a person with a little too much enthusiasm proudly proclaiming the most spectacular claims. The offer is made to the gathered crowd and then the pleading begins. We use rhyming phrases. "Hell is too long to be wrong." We offer extras on the side. We give a time limit, "I'm going to keep this altar open for a few more minutes."

It's as though we are afraid that if the people stop and carefully consider the offer they will reject it. It's a sad state of affairs.

Jesus never used these tactics. He told people not to follow Him if they didn't have what it takes. He encouraged people to follow Him, but in the same breath He told them to count the cost. If they weren't willing to give up family and friends to follow Him they probably didn't have the dedication needed to follow him. He told the people that if they needed a miracle to believe then they didn't have the faith to follow anyway.

No catchy slogan, no sequined outfit, no photo-shopped pictures. Just a remarkable offer and a life to back it up.

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