Thursday, August 07, 2008

So, I realize that I have been ignoring my dear friends who read my blog here. I have been busy updating my Russia blog.

I'm back in Kane, PA. It's weird to be home again. Mom is currenly giving a lesson to a very elderly gentleman. I'm driving my "new" car. My great-uncle failed his vision test so my grandparents got his nice, new car and I was given their '96 Oldsmobile. Mom gets my '99 Monte Carlo. My first car was an Oldsmobile. It was a '92 and was built shortly before automatic door locks and windows were available. Other than that it was truly the perfect car.

My "new" Oldsmobile is exactly like my first car, except it has both automatic door locks and windows. I couldn't be happier. I will need to find a way to use my new i-pod with the tape deck, though.

Mary Sirianni and I went out last night. We went for a walk on main street to see how many former classmates we could spot. Sadly, all of our street friends had gone into hiding by the time we took our walk.

Mom and I had a great conversation about the fact that I feel that my generation will change the world. Every time we see someone from my class smoking pot on mainstreet she asks, "That's the generation that will change the world?" I always respond in the affirmative.

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