Sunday, August 24, 2008

I was talking about a heretic the other day. I was talking about a book by Bishop John Shelby Spong. Bishop Spong denies the resurrection. I'm not particularly against heresy ... but I have issue with denying the resurrection. I mean, as I see it, without the resurrection we really don't have anything to go on.

But then I started to think about it. Although my theology doesn't deny the resurrection my life does. Daily sometimes. Everytime I'm selfish and sinful I deny the resurrection. I would never think of denying it on an intellectual, theoretical level, but I don't think twice about denying it through my life. I would never misstate it in words, but I wholeheartedly deny it in actions often.

Because, for my generation they don't need proof that the tomb was empty, they need proof that our hearts are full.

1 comment:

allcedars said...

Michael, you're such a good writer. I love this post.