Saturday, March 11, 2006

I succesfully made it all the way to Kentucky today. I left at 3 this morning form Georgia and was north of the mountains before the sun was up. The mountains were terrible to drive through. There were no roadsigns for 37 miles. I was on the right road, but the state of North Carolina is so embarrased by the state of their roads that they just don't claim them.

Sometimes I'm ashamed of my sin. I could try my best to take my name off of it, but it would still be mine. It would still be my sin to take care of. Although my name wouldn't be on it anymore, everyone would know that it was mine.

God took that sin. It wasn't something I did to improve myself - God did everything - I just had to accept God's love and forgiveness. God made me a new creation - to make an analogy, God built a straight, modern highway through the mountains of my heart.

If the national government was willing to take that tangle of road in NC - and put in a straight, modern highway ... woulnd't it piss you off if the state of North Carolina said no.

People say no to accepting the free gift of God everyday. People turn their back and God and create all sorts of reasons why they like their sin. They explain how much they like the "scenic route" with its hills and tunnels. They fail to mention the fact that the entire road system is shut down when it snows, they fail to mention that there are a lot of accidents that kill people, and they forget to mention that they are dead inside because of their sin.

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