Sunday, February 25, 2007

Paradigm shifts, etc., etc.

We had a youth ministry adult meeting tonight. We plan all of the dates, events, and schedules and the youth come up with what we will do on them. It's a flawed system, but a system. A woman spoke up. She wasn't supposed to. You aren't supposed to speak up at a meeting like this. It isn't a town hall meeting. It's a meeting where we give a nod to the dates and congratulate ourselves on being committed volunteers. But, she spoke up. She asked for more regularity in our youth group schedule, more out of the box thinking, and new priorities.

I'm glad she spoke up. The youth program at my church is a well oiled machine. We have youth Bible studies, worship, fundraisers, and retreats. Only a small number of adults have to interact with out future. It's mostly kids and college age kids. We've created a subculture in the church and all the older folks need to do is occasionally make a good slaw and complain about the clothes the kids where to church. That's all that we ask of them.

We have an amazing summer planned for the youth (some days only 3 come, but it's all planned - every day!) full of adventure and fun.

I have a problem.

I wish I could speak up.

I have a problem with a lot of what we do.

I wish I was brave.

I don't think Chandler gives a flying fuck what game we play in youth group. I don't think he cares what movie we're going to watch on Wednesday night. It's not important to him. He's forced to show up and he knows he's going to hate it. He's angry all the time - if we play a game and it looks like his team is going lose he sabotages the game so we have to stop playing and put everything up. He's never been on a losing team. The ministry he needs isn't a well oiled machine.

Emma doesn't care what worship songs we sing. She's only concerned with how she looks. As long as every hair on her head is bleached blonde and in the right place she's going to be happy. She comes to be with her friends.

The kids started a food fight tonight. I guarantee you it was more fun that whatever activity we had planned.

We stopped our Friday night outreach because we had too many kids and too few chaperones. WTF?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! we had too many kids? What does that even mean? I don't care if we have to hire TFC students to come out and hang out with the kids - having too many kids is NEVER a reason to shut down a ministry!

The programs we have created for youth ministry are outdated, at best. The ministry our youth need goes beyond games and worship time. The kids aren't worshipping - they're singing. Does that mean we stop worship all together? Maybe. (I don't think there's a better way to take the Lord's name in vain than to sing it in a song with no praise or worship in your heart.)

We need to think outside the box. We need to have more regularity of doing something every Sunday night. We need new priorities. She wan't supposed to speak up. It wasn't that kind of meeting. But she did, and I think that God is pleased.

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