Friday, May 11, 2007

I don’t have any sermons to preach, witty jokes to perform, or points to make. I have a lot of brokenness that needs healing, friendships that need mending, and sins that need forgiving. I don’t need a hermeneutical exegesis. I need grace. I don’t need a lesson in doctrinal purity. I need an empty tomb.

I again come across one of those times, when I am sad to be at Toccoa Falls College. I’m angry at the unloving and unforgiving acts of the administration. I’m saddened by “friends” who love only when it is convenient. And, I’m upset that I will one day receive a diploma from an institution with which I share almost no opinions. I came here to be challenged. Now, I wish that I had gone somewhere to be loved and accepted.

I am almost done for the semester, and I can’t wait to take my rest. I face a lot of difficult decisions about this summer. I look forward to an eventful summer. I still have a lot to accomplish, and a lot of grace to show others this week. I got sick yesterday and slept for 14 hours last night. Yes, I consider rest glorious. Glorious rest.

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