Monday, May 14, 2007

There is something unavoidably compelling about the life of Corry ten Boom. There is an irreducible factor about her life that, although I could quite easily put my finger on it, I don't want to touch. She lived her life with a faith that went beyond the comfortable.

I think that if a person truly follows Jesus, he or she will be moved out of his or her comfort zone by Him who removes all safety nets. Jesus doesn't want us to make back-up plans. God provides for all of our needs, in His time.

We have corrupted faith in Jesus Christ. We have decreed that our comfort, although in reality often a result of our sinful nature, comes directly from God. We thank God that we were born in America, but fail to appreciate that God works as mightily (or could if we would take the message) in every country in the world. We are thanking God for a comfort He didn't give us. We fail to follow his will, and live comfortably instead.

[[[[ Erwin McManus writes:You've heard it said that the safest place to be is in the center of God's will. I am sure this promise was well intended, but it is neither true nor innocuous. When we believe that God's purpose, intention, or promise is that we will be safe from harm, we are utterly disconnected from the movement and power of God...The truth of the matter is that the center of God's will is not a safe place but the most dangerous place in the world! God fears nothing and no one! God moves with intentionality and power. To live outside God's will puts us in danger; to live in his will makes us dangerous.]]]] - stolen from a post by Bill Beatty

I must daily remind myself that if I am truly following God's will, I will not be safe. I will not be comfortable. I will not be o.k.

I will be in danger and dangerous. I will be radical. I will be different. I will offend people.

Corrie ten Boom did just this. This week I will work on trusting God and trying not to remain comfortable. It's a scary thought.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Good thoughts, Michael.