Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I don't have mono. The aren't sure yet what I have, but they are sending out a blood sample. I am so tired I can't even function properly. I'm sure I will be okay, but at least I didn't get the puking virues that's going around. Happy day.

I am very happy abot how everything is going. We have 3 or 4 skits on the way for the youth drama ministry. Two weeks from now we will have a meeting about Water's Edge new church start. Next Wednesday we will have the meeting about Threadbare. Everthing is shaping up nicely for a lot of the ministry oppertunities I have.

Just to think, I was worried about all 3 of these ministries and how well they would work out. How silly of me to worry about the ministries God has called me to - and especially worrying about having enough time to perform all of them. I realize (don't tell my mother) that compared to the work I am called to my classes aren't that important. I still want to do well, of course, but I also know that if I give my time to God he will use it better than I can.

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