Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Ms. Fengai-Kabba saw the results of poverty and injustice from another perspective as a Global Justice Volunteer working with Filipina migrant laborers at Bethune House/Mission for Filipino Migrant Workers in Hong Kong. Poverty sent the women in search of a better life that too often proved illusive in Hong Kong. Ms. Fengai-Kabba assisted women seeking redress for labor abuses and violations of their work contracts. She went with them to their nation's Consulate. "They were facing injustice, but nobody at the Consulate would hear them," Ms. Fengai-Kabba said. "One lady had cuts on her, but the Consulate didn't care."
She went with them to court. "I didn't know the law, but I went just so they'd have someone to stand with them," Ms. Fengai-Kabba said."

I have been thinking a lot recently about love. One of my best friends has made some pretty stupid moves lately in the arena of love. I see a lot of Christians horribly mis-construing love as a gift. I know that I have many amazing examples of love surrounding me. My good friends Jon and Nathan are both in committed relationships with women who love God that are excellent examples of Godly love. I have decided that recently I have been spending too much time "looking for love." Most of my freinds here are seniors. They all seem to be in a mad dash for marriage. I'm not.

I have made the decision that until I can love others with no expectation of love in return I am not ready to look for love in a romantic sense. The above story is from one of the global justice volunteers from last year. She is from Sierra Leone. I think that this is an example of love that I want to follow. I am going on a weekend retreat with my youth group. My goal this weekend is to love the guys I will be staying with. I want them to know that I love them with Christ's love. There are a lot of problems in my youth group. They have had fights break out between the kids, few of the kids are Christian on any level of the word, and the guys especially are unresponsive to the message of loving others.

I don't see a problem there that the love of Christ couldn't solve. This weekend I will try and be that love. I will forget all of the problems in my life. My sickness, my anger towards those I love, and my schoolwork. I will instead focus on love.

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