Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's an eventful moment in my life. I don't know what it is, but many things happened today to make me happy. I finally finished the book by Jim Bakker I was reading. It was a long, boring book. Bakker, the disgraced televangelist, could have easily summarized in 100 pages, but chose to instead use 600 pages. He often had full pages of "famous" people who wrote him letters in prison. I don't know why I kept reading. I enjoyed the ending, though.

I start my new job tomorrow. I will be reading to elemtary children. I'm sure I will love it, but some of the past employees have had some realy horror stories.

I have talked with the other students from my school who will be helping in the church plant. They all spoke VERY highly of the pastor we will be working with. I am so excited to be working with people who just truly love God and love people.

I got my car back today. It cost $365 (Yes, I know. A dollar for every day for a whole year.), but I have a new radiator. The car is running much better now, and I feel much more free than when I was depending on other people.

I talked with my friends Jonathan. I have three friends named Jonathan. I had a very good conversation with all three of them today. That makes me happy.

I didn't have any homework for my class tomorrow. (and will have no Tues/Thurs class next week!)

I realize every day that there are many things I should praise God about that I don't. I just simply don't take the effort needed some days to praise the creator for everything. It's sad, but admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. I think there are a lot of Christians who need a support group that will bring them back from lethargy to vibrancy.

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