Friday, January 16, 2009

I recently went to the Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta, GA. We watched Doctor Faustus performed by two players. The theatre is designed as a dinner hall, and during small plays people are seated on the stage. We happened to be seated in the balcony, directly behind the crucifix that Doctor Faustus talked to throughout the play. Every time he mocked Christ, begged for His mercy, or referenced God he stared straight at us. He looked directly into my eyes and pleaded for Christ to show him mercy.

The play is a masterful look into the lostness of man and a gut-wrenching view of the depravity behind the choice to follow our sin instead of God.

On a less cultured, classy, and theological note; I saw The Unborn recently. Great movie! Just an wonderful piece of trash to enjoy in a packed theatre. After the movie I convinced everyone to go to Arby’s (which is a usual occurrence after theatre for my group of friends.) It was a less than stellar conversation. We moved seamlessly from discussing the hot butt of the actress in the horror film into the deep theological arguments for and against demon possession of Christians. If you go to the wikipedia site I linked to, you can view the actresses but, it was aparently THE selling point of the movie.) Sometimes I’m more than a little embarrassed at the caliber of conversation that surrounds me.

1 comment:

allcedars said...

Oh, Michael. Hot butts...demons.