Monday, December 04, 2006

I have my first final in a few minutes. It is hard to imagine that it is already finals week. It's a good thing to imagine though. I have been given permission to live off campus. I have a house secured and will sign the lease when my deposit check comes in the mail (my mother sent it today ... let's hope it makes it soon.) and then I can sign the lease and move in.

Next semester I will live in a little two bedroom house with a small yard and a very nice kitchen. The house is perfect and I feel so blessed to be moving there.

A friend from church showed me the house a few weeks ago and I just knew that I would live in that house. My petition to move off campus was rejected ... but I still knew I would live in that house. My petition was rejected a sexond time, but I had faith that I would live in that house. I still drove by the house daily and prayed for it. By the time I had been given permission to move off campus the house had already been filled. I still knew that I would live in that little grey house. Finally the other renter backed out and I filled out the paper work. With a monthly income of $50-$150 and a rent payment of $400 a month the company allowed me to rent from them.

The whole time I knew that I had to praise God for that house. When I found out that it had already been rented I said a prayer of thanksgiving that I would one day live in that house. This is really the first time that I can honestly say I have trusted God. It feels good.

Well, I'm about to take a final I didn't prepare for (ask me about my day ... it's a fun story!)

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