Thursday, February 19, 2009

Theological Thoughts for Thursday - On Sin, part 3.

Only the sinner can make the choice to follow God and repent of his or her sin. We are called to confront our brothers and sisters in Christ. Now, one of my biggest sins is my tongue. Which is funny, because my words are also one of the strongest gifts God has given me. James rips apart the tongue in his letter. Just recently my closest friends have begun to confront me on my words. On my innuendo, my crude jokes, my cursing, my unique ability to find the line and dance on it, and my love for the shock factor. Leaving these things behind will be a struggle for me, but looking back on the sins that Christ has overcome in my life, I know that this too shall pass.

Our friends confront us, the Holy Spirit convicts us on specific sins, the Bible shows us how to live correctly … but we must make the choice to flee from a particular sin.

It’s when these four factors come together that sin can be overcome. When we can be open and honest with those we love and those who love us we can tackle sin.

I don’t think we should make it our life’s work to focus on our sin. I don’t think this is biblical. We should focus on loving God and others and watch the rest fall into place. When God wants us to confront a sin, I believe that God will bring those four factors together in our lives to let us know what needs to change.

There is still sin in our lives, but slowly, over a lifetime of moving towards God and Jesus’ love our sin will fade. There will be more of God and less of us. I’m amazed at the sins that I used to do that are no longer present in my life, but I’ve still got a lifetime of sin to overcome. The more I love God the less room there is for sin.

All I know is that God is still doing an amazing work in my life – and I’m blessed to be a part of it.

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