Sunday, April 15, 2007

Jesus was an outcast, too.

The youth were finished eating and grazing towards their worship seats when I entered. Caleb was in the entrance way, back against the wall - pensively standing, just praying that he wouldn't be noticed. I figured the youth were playing hide-and-go-seek or a similar game. I asked him how he was doing and if he was okay.

He was hiding. He's different. He follows the rules and doesn't back talk adults. His parents don't buy him everything he wants exactly when the ask. His actions haven't caused parents to remove their daughters from our Youth Group. He isn't like the other boys at Youth Group.

Jesus was an outcast, too. He was different. Different is good.

I just can't fathom that the Messiah who was born in a barn, died on a tree, and did everything describing an outcast inbetween would approve of a church where the outcast is shunned and the different are asked to leave.

Caleb, be different. Dance to the rhythm that Jesus leads you in, but never conform to the standards set by our Youth Group.

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