Wednesday, April 04, 2007

There's so much blood. It's impossible to escape from the blood. We have it in a lot of our hymns, I've never been too offended by the blood of Jesus. As an evangelical I believe that I am "cleansed in the blood of the lamb." It's been one of those things that I've said, but in my mind I've always glossed over it.

I cut my foot today. My toe got caught under a broken part of a door. I figured I had lost my toe; there was so much blood. Now, safe at home with ten toes, I realize that my foot recieved a scratch less than a half-inch long.

We paint Christ with miniscule droplets of blood proceeding from the three nails, his side, and occasionally the crown of thorns. A janitor could walk by and wipe away all of the blood with one rag. Let's face it - Jesus was a bloody mess on the cross. There was simply blood everywhere. The lashings, the soldiers pulling his beard out, the nails, the crown, the pierced side all bring a healthy dose of blood with them.

It's a horrifying thought; to think, the very Christ bleeding profusely. That God bled at all is a miracle, that He bled and died to forgive the sins of the world (including mine) is an atrocious miracle.

Why God? Why?

1 comment:

sattvicwarrior said...

did you know that the greatest amount of FAKE BLOOD is sold during this week before EASTER?? MORE so than Halloween.
kinda Macabre dont you think?? Christianity seems to be preoccupied with blood and gore and death and torture and self mutilation for salvation. HARDLY what one would consider GOD CONSCIOUSNESS. PLESE DON’T beat yourself up over this. Even tho you KNOW you want to SUFFER!!!!!!!!!! it WONT put you any closer to “ god”. [ now go stub your OTHER toe].
then you say....
Why God? Why?
H-U-M-A-N!!!! THATS WHY!!!!!!