Friday, April 20, 2007

We are surrounded by brilliant people. In our lives we will connect with people who are truly brilliant. Most of us will miss it, though. We discount true brilliance by writing the truly brilliant off as crazy. The autistic boy who plays the piano at my church is more brilliant than any of us could ever fathom.

The certain foolishness of spending a lifetime trying to understand God earns men and women doctorate degrees. I was talking with my friend Daniel today. He said that, although he knew he would never be able to understand God fully he wanted to study the Bible to get a glimpse of God. Our brains are too small to ever even get a glimpse of God through our study. When a person can explain to me how it is just for Hitler and most of the Jews he killed to be in the same hell, when that happens I will believe that we can catch a glimpse of God through our studies.

When I was India I looked into the eyes of lepers and saw Jesus. Go into the city and find people with AIDS - offer them what they need most and tell me that you don't see Jesus. I don't discount Daniel. I believe he will get a glimpse of God, but ... I pray that when I saw Jesus in those lepers they also saw Jesus in me. I don't want to get a glimpse of God is others won't get to see Him through me.

I'm so tired of the status quo. I'm so tired of arguing over doctrine. I will now go and find my rest.

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