Saturday, April 07, 2007

On losing faith:
"One can believe something to be true, yet have weak or even faulty reasons for doing so. I believe the microwave heats food; I have no idea why or how. Imgaine that I were to encounter an unbelieving professor in the classroom, one who has never used a microwave ... if asked to defend my belief, I could easily be made to look and feel foolish. But, when I get hungry, I will heat my microwaveable, gourmet mac & cheese, while the professor eats a cold, squished PB&J. ... I've used the microwave too many times to question its power.

My entire being, mind and soul, considers Christianity a framework for life that surpasses all others. I agree with former skeptic C.S. Lewis; "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

I suppose that someon, somewhere could shoot a hole in my defense or reveal a flaw in my logic. But my standard of faith is not one hundred percent certainty or watertight evidence for every minor point of Christian theology." - Kurt Bruner "I Still Believe."

I need to find an empty tomb tomorrow. I've spent too much time crucifying Christ - and now I need to find that tomb empty.

We take three years of his teachings and reduce it down to a systematic theology so small and narrow that only a select (or elect) few could possibly fit. We follow a homeless preacher who asks us to give up everything we own, who healed indescriminately, who drank with drunkards~laughed with whores~broke bread with tax collectors~ and shook hands with lepers. We get it so wrong, so fucking wrong. All we take from the faith is the understanding that anyone who disagrees with us is wrong and going to Hell. I believe that the path to heaven is narrow and difficult ... I just think the path most Christians are on is pretty smooth and straight.

Tomorrow, I need to find an empty tomb. I need to be reminded that no matter what mess we've made of religion, our Savior still is resurrected from the dead.

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