Saturday, June 23, 2007

On Regeneration

I'm reading my textbook of Systematic Theology, and am currently on the topic of regeneration. The concept of being born again. Grudem argues that it is entirely passive because of the analogy. When we are born we do nothing. When we are born again we do nothing. Interesting concept - I'll get back to it some day.

But, our birth is two things. The most important event in our lives and something we have no recollection of. I think that our regeneration should be viewed in the same light. It's huge. It's a huge deal. But, what we should remember and focus on is everything after that.

Landa Cope would piss off the righteous TFC students by saying, "You say, 'But Landa, I'm saved!' and I say, 'Good, I'm glad you're saved ... now what." The critics were merciless. She was "downplaying salvation." I mean, she was a woman, and for women salvation comes through childbirth and she was still single ... so she couldn't even be saved, right?(strong sense of sarcasm)

A salvation experience is so incredibly important. I don't want to downplay that, but I hate hearing testimonies that ramble on about the previous, sinful life for twenty minutes and end with "and then I got saved and my life has changed. Amen." It's not about the time you spent in the womb, it's not about the birthing experience, it's about Jesus and what He has done in your life and in the lives of others through you.

We have churches that focus entirely on the birthing process and never even attempt child-rearing. We show people the doorway of salvation, but even after they have entered it we are reluctant to show them the Kingdom standing behind it.

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