Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I went to Erie with my sister and best friend Mary. It was a great time. Bekke's apartment is a great place - full of excellent victorian details in a great old house. It came pre-furnished with horrible 80's furniture. Eh. We listened to Rent on the way home (we sang along.) Mary is going to blog on the Christian applications of Rent (including but not limited to viewing Angel, the gay cross-dressing prostitute, as a Christ figure.)

I won't go that far, but I did notice something very interesting. In one of my favorite songs the phrase "Let him with no sin throw the first stone" is thrown around. I realized that this dying world wants to see that Christian doctrine lived out. Most people know very little about Christianity. For some reason people tend to know this saying - and identify it as purely Christian. I think that people, although they don't admit it, would be very willing to follow this Christ of ours if His people would follow this one tenant.

It is such a simple principle - we have sin in our lives and so does everyone else. If we can come to grips with this and move on in love, well, I feel that Christianity will spread like wildfire.

And Hey, I'm excited to read Mary's blog on the gay, cross-dressing Christ figure in RENT. I've had some pretty far left feild blogs myself.

1 comment:

Pastor Bill said...

Hey - gimme a link to Mary's blog - I'd love to read that, too... Isn't it funny that one of the few lines that most of the world can quote as being from Jesus is a quote that the Christian community can't even agree that Jesus actually said :) God is amazing!! What did Paul say about God's weakness and God's folly? Heh...