Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I realize now how intirely cynical I become when I get sick. I won't lie. It sucks to have pneumonia. I sucked the last time I had it and it sucks this time around. I was hoping (yesterday, before the doctor appointment) that I was just delusional and that the doctor would laugh at me and excuse my silliness by explaining that I had a soar throat because of _________ (blank.)

So, I'm on lavaquine, again. Let's hope it works this time. My friend Dustin dropped me off and picked me up. I'm not well enough to drive myself. I was in the doctor's office for over 2 hours. I got to take him out for steak afterwards. I really enjoy dinner conversations over steak. All dinner conversations are nice, but when a conversation is over a steak dinner - it's amazing. You can talk about anything and everything over steak. I love eating steak for this reason alone. It's a beautiful conversation food. We talked about our families - it was cathartic.

1 comment:

Pastor Bill said...

Mmmm steak. I haven't had a good steak dinner - or a great steak conversation - in a long time...