Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well, my grandmother's surgery went well. I'm going to the doctor today. I haven't told my mother I'm sick again. I hope that I will get a clean bill of health and I will just have to tell her when the insurance check shows up. Idealistic? You bet.

I've come to that point in life where I am content. I realize that worrying isn't going to change anything. I think I would have been okay even if my grandmother had died. I mean, I would have cried a good bit, but it wouldn't have been devastating. I am hoping to get a note from the doctor to move off campus. That would be phenomenal. Here's to hoping I don't have pneumonia again. That would be teh sux.

We talked with a kid in a coffee shop who is young and idealistic. I disagree with a lot of what he said ... but I like the way he said it. I like the days on which I am young and idealistic. I hope for that youthfullness and that sence of hope, on my good days at least.

So, here's to hoping! I raise my glass and propose a toast. To hope!

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