Monday, November 20, 2006

Jesus was a Quarterback!

I went with my youth group to see "Facing the Giants." I am embarrassed by most Christian media. This movie (except for a few, rare touching moments) is not an exception. It was pretty bad. The acting was off, the plot was both predictable and contrived, and there was more than one scene with a glowing field and a man reading scripture.

I'm one of those liberal Christians who doesn't think that football and Jesus are irrevocable intertwined. I just don't think that way. Most of the way through the film (in fact every instance where someone said that they need to praise Jesus in times of sorrow and in times of plenty) I prayed that they would lose a big game - and still admit victoriously that God is good.

Of course, they didn't. They won the big game. If you have Jesus your football team will win. That's why you should accept Jesus, right now. Without Him your football team is screwed! Why can't Christian media ever admit that some days things don't go well - and that's not because of a lack of faith. The movie showed Christians have a really sucky life - then revival broke out and everything was better. Everything.

That's the Christianity we have to offer. If you accept our Christ everything will go perfectly (we promise.) Maybe that's the reason that so many people are fed up with Christianity. We withold the promises of scripture - and make up promises that Jesus never said.

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