Thursday, November 23, 2006

I want to be a "Patch Adams" Christian and not a "Survivor" Christian. I watched Television today. I might be flogged if the administration reads this, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

I watched Survivor - and I'm struck by how banal it really is. First we hear the conversation, then the person tells us what he or she said, and then we get striking, shocking social commentary on what was said.

So, uhmm ... do you like to eat coconut?
(voice over) So I asked her if she likes coconut ...
(commentary) Because, I don't think I could fornicate with a girl who didn't enjoy coconut.

Really, is this what the American Public wants to hear? I see the church doing this a lot - we , ney, I say a lot of things that don't really mean a whole bunch. "Oh, school violence is bad - that's original. Did God have to point that one out to you, or did you figure it out yourself?" It's easy for me to participate in the establisments that I'm opposed to and then to talk bad about them. That's easy.

I also watched Patch Adams today. He took a bold step and changed things. He hasn't changed the world, ... yet, but be has made a difference. He was weird - and he loved lavishly.

I think I want to be a "Patch Adams" Christian and not a "Survivor" Christian.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Interesting thoughts, Michael.