Sunday, October 15, 2006


I followed a funeral procession today ... for miles. I started thinking about death. More specifically how a Christian response to death shows a lot to non-Christians about how we live our lifes.

A TFC girl died last Thanksgiving. The first two eulogies were sad, tearful events about our beloved Mary. The third girl stepped up to the podium with an awkwardly misplaced smile, more befitting a carnival entrance than a memorial service. She said, "My uncle died last week. Mary found me crying and told me, 'your uncle was a Christian. He's in heaven. Stop crying. We're going out dancing.' So, I'm not going to cry. I'm going out dancing."

I don't want people to cry at my funeral. If I died while at TFC I would want Pastor Andy to do my memorial service for the student body. I would want him to preach the most awkwardly liberal message ever (about why we all need the Holy Spirit because without Her life sucks.) I would want Dustin to go to the microphone and tell the people that I don't want them to cry. I want them to go out dancing. Then, he would mischieviously bend towards the mic until his lips were touching it and shout, "Bump and grind people, Bump and grind!"

As our beloved former Pope, JPII said, "We are an Easter people, and Hallelujia is our song!" I'm an Easter person - when life sucks I remember that we serve a living savior. My song is a happy one. When I am dead and gone, I want you to go dancing. Bump and grind people, Bump and grind.

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