Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I was sitting in the Toccoa public library. I had gone there to escape my roomate, read some Jane Austen, and borrow a Maya Angelou book. I sat in a comfortable leather chair to read my books. I began by opening I know why the caged bird sings and started reading. I wasn't more than a half page into the book when a bright, bouncy, black boy ran around the corner into the reading room and began talking to me. He tried sitting in a leather chair similar to my own. He slithered out and complain about the chairs being too slippery. I made small talk, but continued reading my book. Maya wrote about her wish to be a blonde haired white girl. The boy would hide behind things and jump out to suprise me.

I finally decided that I had to get some Jane Austen reading done. I closed my pleasure read and opened my homework. Immediately the little black boy walked away. He went and hid behind a bookshelf. I waited patiently for him to jump out at me. He started whispering in a ghostly voice. I couldn't decipher what he was saying. He stayed there until I left several chapters later. He never returned to talk to me; just stayed hidden and whispered.

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