Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Some days I'm oh so insightful. Other days ... not so much so.

I'm plagued with apathy, bitterness, and an odd sense of being tired even though I'm well rested.

I'm eating Matzos right now. It's a huge ol' chunk of Jesus. This, my friend, is the left overs of one communion ceremony that my friends had. I'm really enjoying eating it.

It's bland and there's a whole lot of it. There are so many practical ideas to place on this ... but I just keep thinking about how bland the jesus is that so many people here worship. Too many falls students have sterilized and censored everything Jesus really was. I'm going to keep eating this Matzos. It's bland, but it's better than nothing. I think that the Jesus I worship is a lot more comparable to Doritos.

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