Thursday, October 26, 2006

If only I was trying to get man's approval

"Sometimes the things that come out of his mouth are so radical, but then I think about it a while and I think, 'That's just what Jesus would say." - Saint Debbie the Meek

"I know how much we disagree on everything, but his heart's in the right place and I know that he really loves people. So, I'm glad that you're friends with him." - Rachel's Independent Fundamentalist Baptist mother about our friendship

"You just communicate so effectively through your blog. I want to say something, but it never comes out right ... and then you blog about it and it's perfect. We're like Moses and Aaron." - Bekke, my sister.

"I was reading your blog. Do you know whose writing style you remind me of? Donald Miller." - Tony Trussoni's roomate, Daniel.

So, I need to re-double my efforts to be a scandalous liberal that no one wants to talk to. I need to say more liberal things and love more boldly. It will take some work, but I'll become a scandal again.

In unrelated news I have two CLEP tests today. 6 credit hourse in 5 hours. Hooray! I am really excited about both tests. Keep me in your prayers. Hannah-Joy is praying for me ... and you should, too.

I have been practicing the piano daily for a week. My back is killing me, but I have "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" down. I'm so happy. I can play both hands on "Jesus loves Me." I'll get there eventualy I hope to be able to play the piano for my Sunday School class by next semester. Here's to hoping and renewed interest in practicing.

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