Thursday, May 04, 2006

I don't like Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel enthusiasts. I get downright angry at them sometimes. We discussed how funny it was that the (only) verse they use to support their belief was written in an epistle discouraging people from listening to distorted views of the truth.

I have some fairly liberal views. I don't believe that they go against the Bible. I realize that some of them are difficult to reconcile with one or two specific verses, but if you look at the Bible as a whole I believe that my belief system is very plausable. You can't claim to have read anything Jesus ever said and still subscribe to the Health, Wealth, and Prosperity doctrine.

Here's my problem. People get angry at me for my beliefs - because they feel that they contradict the Bible. However, few if any people have a problem with the kid who drives a Hummer, or the ones that drive cars they owe more than $5000 on. Why do people have a problem with my theological musings and questions, but don't care about the day to day hereticism of their fellow college student's lives? Why do people stand so opposed to me and my sincerely lived out beliefs, but have no problem with kids who fill their lives with greed, lust , and hatred but profess a more conservative theology.

OK, I get it. Life's not fair. It's never going to be fair. Good, I got it. Why, though, do I find myself apologizing all the time to non-Christians for how Christians have treated them? I realize that I, as a Christian, will suffer persecution - but why should non-Christians be persecuted by Christians. If we ourselves can't live out morality in Christ's image how do we expect those outside the church to do it?

I just wish Christians would be a little bit nicer to non-Christians. I think Christ would. No, I know Christ would.

1 comment:

Pastor Bill said...

Heh - you're right. Too many Christians expect non-Christians to act like they're saved (and condemn them for not acting that way) when SO MANY of the so-called saved are acting downright unchristian...erg...