Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm two days and 20 some odd pages from handing in a Dr. Fred Smith project. The urge to e-mail this is too great. I just want to type Fsmith ( so bad right now. I don't hate the project.
I just feel like I've been Smithed again.

My friends Jon and Nathan told me that they see Christ in me. It was exciting. They are about as conservative as a person can be, and we argue politics often - it means so much to me that they disagree with so much of my politics and even religious views, but still be able to tell me that they know I love Christ. I thank God they resist the urge to label me as a heretic or self-condemn me to Hell. (Stranger things have happened. It's Georgia, you know.)

I got two hours of gratis (work detail - from the root word "free") for missin a mandatory meeting. I had a previous committment to a ministry in Gainesville. It wouldn't bother me except that I don't have any money or spare time. I think that we should be shown more grace, but that's probably why I'm a liberal. I will never understand how people can think in such legalistic terms. Wait, yes I can. I did just that for several years. I guess I will just have to continue to pray for them.

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