Sunday, May 07, 2006

In my normal thought pattern process I have been both thinking about marriage and a Christmas interpretive dance today. Both things far in the distant future - neither thing helping me to prepare for finals week. Well, maybe the marriage thing has helped me.

I have been reading Missionary Biographies all day. It is for my Monday Final. I read today of a missionary/martyr Dr. Eleanor Chestnut. She was a medical missionary in China. She built a hospital with her own money, but amputated a poor chinese man's leg in her own bathroom for lack of the completed hospital. There were complications and he needed skin grafts. She cut the skin off her own legs to make the skin grafts - with nothing but a local aneasthetic! I began to think about what I want in a wife. I want a woman who will describe herself (in the words of Mother Teresa) "As to my calling, I belong to the whole world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to Jesus." I want to marry a woman who will give herself entirely to the people we work with. If my wife and I are ever kidnapped and forced on a death march (I read 5 such stories today) I want to have married a woman who can saw my gangrenous(sp) leg off while looking me in the eye and telling me not to look at it, but rather to look at Jesus.

(Maybe I think about these things because I go to TFC where "Ring by Spring" isn't an expression it's a way of life.) I want to marry a woman who is equally called to missions. I want my wife to be a co-labourer - not someone I dragged onto the mission field with me. I want a wife who'se heart is totally given to God and totally called to missions.

For my Christmas interpretive dance I want to use the Relient K song "I celebrate the Day" The general gist is "the first time that you opened your eyes did you know that you would be my Savior? " It is sung to baby Jesus. I really want to have the youth choir director on stage with the drama kids rehearsing the Christmas pageant (in general - mass chaos as the director tries to get everything under control.) Then she will release that Baby Jesus is missing. Someone will get him and everyone else will freeze. Then the person would bring the Baby in and sing the song while putting him in the manger. People would go back to chaotically running about and one at a time go to the manger and bow to the King. At the end they would all sing Away in the Manger. I can almost envision it now. Almost.

Both random topics that I can't fathom why they are on my mind. I am in a deeply reflective mood this week. Darn, Finals.

I've decided that I want to be controversial. - Yep, that sounds like my blog ending!

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