Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I have strange friends. I realize that this is probably a direct result of ministering to, with, and for the fringe. Just thinking of the people I take with me to church during the school year - an omni-sexual, an athiest, a child predator, a pastor's kid, and communists. All of these people exist at a Christian college. We're hitting the fringe pretty hard with our ministry. We just keep attracting more people. I think that my church is actually loving enough to accomadate all of them.

My friend Dustin thanked me last night for not smelling as fat as I look. He was just very glad that I don't smell like most people my size. I thought he was the weirdest person ever until Jon piped up from the next room as word of affirmation. What? I didn't now that fat people had their own scent. They were both so sincere about it, too. I think I'm going to start including that on my on-line dating profile (i don't really have an on-line dating profile) "doesn't smell like a fat person!"

I went with my friend Jon to pick out a church for his wedding. His fiance is in PA already for the summer, and leaving for Thailand in a few days. We got some pretty strange looks from secretaries. Until, that is, Jon mentioned his fiance, Ann; his Southern Baptist preacher father; and the fact that I was just there because Ann trusted my judgment more on decorating than her fiance.

I smoked a pipe last night. I have always wanted to just to be like C.S. Lewis. I probably would have looked much more refined had I not been in a cemetary trying to keep it lit by avoiding the wind! It was a fun experience, and we learned that I am much better at lighting a pipe than my friend Dustin. I had 6 people over last night for dinner. No one else enjoyed my desert, but it is still one of my favorites.

I love life. I start work tommorow with two weeks of training. I think I will really enjoy it. I probably won't be able to post as much over the summer. What will you all do? I hope no one has Michael withdrawal while I am away.

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