Thursday, May 18, 2006

I have finally recieved all of my grades for this last semester. My GPA is 3.28. I am happy that I kept above a 3.0. I have finally realized that all that matters is my own happiness and peace of mind. If I work my butt off for grades who does it prosper? What's the point if I don't enjoy life. I will, however, probably make it a top priority to attend all of my classes next semester. I have already started to plow through my textbooks for next semester for which I only need a reading report. I am halfway through with one already, and excited about a few others. If I finish all of the reading nowI will just have projects, studying, and tests to worry about. I would like to also finish chapter summaries, but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen.

I feel so free here. I am completely surrounded by Methodists. Almost everyone here is actively involved in a United Methodist church. There is so much less legalism to worry about here. It is exciting just to watch people reveling in the freedom of Jesus Christ. I love the people here, and am excited to continue to work with them. This church camp is amazing. Everything is beautiful. They are constantly doing little updates and repainting, and the buildings that are falling apart and landscaped so as to look like part of an intricate design.

Well, I am being eaten alive working outside with the wireless. Can't wait until the staff lounge is operational so that I can work inside. I love wireless!!!!1 WoOt!!!!1111

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