Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm having a great week at camp. I'm exhausted, my arms hurt, I have rope burn on my stomach from belaying for those who were climbing the tower, I have a blister on my foot that reminds me of texas - more the size than the shape, My butt, thighs, calves, and abs are on fire from hiking all day everyday, I don't have a laundry bag anymore - I have a bag that has a giant pile of sweat with some clothes in it, I showered yesterday - but it was worthless since I smell even worse today than I did before it, and I'm exhausted beyond belief. It's been a great week at camp all things considered.

One of my campers accepted Christ on Monday night. He was talking to me last night and he said, "Right after I accepted Christ, I looked up and saw you praying at the altar, and I knew there had to be a connection." That makes my blister seem a lot more like Rhode Island than Texas. A girl in my family group told us that she is usually made fun of at school, but she isn't made fun of here. That makes showering seem so unimportant. My living group worked with the exceptional "Sparrowood" campers last night and showed Christ's love to the mentally challenged people. My sweaty bundle of what used to be my clothes doesn't seem that important anymore.

All of my campers are obvisouly postmodern. We had a question and answer time - and every camper voiced that they felt that Hindus and Muslims still get to heaven if their faith is sincere. I explained my most conservative belief - Jesus is the only path to God. All other beliefs fall short. My co-leader, Martha, and I shared our testimonies - it was a really great time of sharing and hearing people's doubts. I'm excited about the prospects for this week. I'm also hoping that this blister goes away.

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