Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm on my second day of steroids. I am hungry all the time. All the time. I am also experiencing mood swings. I cried yesterday because Johnathan wanted to watch Star Wars and I didn't. I have Pleuresy - I'm in so much pain - and my roomate doesn't understand why I'm so crabby ... I don't look sick.

I went to the Hayride (the social event of the seasons at the Falls) and I realized how superficial the Fallsies are. Why should such a large group of Christians need such a superficial social event.

I also am beginning to think that I am doing it again. I have this problem of thinking that a girl loves me when really she is just being polite to the socially awkward fat kid. I get so angry at myself when I do this. I thought that Liz really like me - sometimes I'm so wrong. I just hope I'm not doing it again.

Yeah. Mood Swings. I'm going to go shower and nap.

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