Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"We were on that road on mission with God." - Dr. John Penland in reference to the automobile accident which almost took the lives of he and his wife in the Dominican Republic.

Sometimes the Christian life isn't fuzzy and wonderful. Sometimes when we are following God closely bad things happen. That's okay. God is sovereign.

1 comment:

Pastor Bill said...

Until I realized you were serious, all I could hear is Dan Akyrod from the Blues Brothers, "We're on a mission from God!"

But, you were serious. Yes, sometimes we can be absolutely faithful and have the worst stuff happen to us. Lori has some relatives who are missionaries in Indonesia - and there is always a possibility that they will have to suffer for their faith - and there is a chance they could give their lives for their faith. Yet, knowing the worst of things could happen to them, they remain faithful...